Lisak, Marcin


Marcin Lisak (born 1975 in Rzeszów) is a Dominikan friar, Polish journalist, sociologist and theologian. His debut, Elementy etyki w zawodzie architekta (The Elements of Ethics in the Architect’s Profession, 2006), was published in Poznań by Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej. His subsequent publications, Dwie fale. Przewodnik duchowy emigranta (Two Waves. Emigrant’s Spiritual Guide, 2008) and Katolicki liberalizm. Etyka społeczna Michaela Novaka (Catholic Liberalism. Michael Novak’s Social Ethics, 2009), also revolved around the issues of morality. He has contributed to a variety of publications, including Gazeta Wyborcza and Tygodnik Powszechny, and worked as an editor for Azymut, W drodze and the Catholic News Agency in Warsaw.

In 2006, he moved to Dublin. He was a priest in St. Saviour’s Priory. He studied and conducted research at the Irish School of Ecumenics at Trinity College. At that time, he joined the Sociological Association of Ireland and Amnesty International Ireland.

Currently, he travels around the United States.


– compiled by Kamila Czaja


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