Fice, Łucja


Łucja Fice (born 1952 in Krzyż Wielkopolski) is a Polish poet and novelist. Her debut collection of poems, W moim śnie (In My Dream), was published in 1997 in Kraków under the PiT imprint. It has been followed by two other collections of poems, Piegi na słońcu (Freckles in the Sun, 2010) and Opiekunka (The Caretaker, 2012), and two novels, Przeznaczenie (Destiny, 2012) and its sequel Wyspa starców (Old People’s Island, 2013). Opiekunka was awarded in the Polish national competition poetry “Dać świadectwo”.

Łucja Fice has spent many years taking care of the elderly in Germany and the UK. She has given an account of her experiences in Opiekunka, Przeznaczenie and Wyspa starców, where she describes the daily life of a homesick migrant who works as a caregiver of elderly people in Wales.

She lives and works in Gorzów Wielkopolski.

– compiled by Małgorzata Malik


The following are links to websites with information about the author and her works:,spotkanie-z-lucja-fornalczyk-fice,242,23