Koziarski, Daniel


Daniel Koziarski (born 1979 in Gdynia) is a Polish novelist and lawyer. He graduated in law from the University of Gdańsk. His debut novel, Kłopoty to moja specjalność, czyli kroniki socjopaty (Trouble is My Business: Chronicles of a Sociopath), was published in 2007 in Warsaw by Prószyński i S-ka. It was followed by a sequel, Socjopata w Londynie (The Sociopath in London, 2007), based on the author’s migration experiences in the UK, Klub samobójców (The Suicide Club, 2008), Mój prywatny Sąd Ostateczny (My Private Judgment Day, 2010) and Przypadki Tomasza Płachty: Życie i śmierć socjopaty (Tomasz Płachta’s Adventures: Life and Death of the Sociopath, 2010), the last part of ‘The Sociopath Trilogy’ which follows the main character’s life after he re-emigrates. Daniel Koziarski’s satirical short stories were also published in a Polish weekly, Gazeta Polska.

The writer currently lives in Gdynia where he works as a lawyer.


– compiled by Marcelina Pach


The following are links to websites with information about the author and his works:



