Parys-White, Dana


Dana Parys-White (born in Ostrów Mazowiecka) is a Polish writer, poet, lyricist, journalist and translator. Her debut book Tacy sami (The Same) was published in 2004 under the Gallery Press imprint. It has been followed by a volume of poetry Z rytmów życia na własną nutę (My Own Rhythm of Life, 2006) and a selection of poems and short stories Z perspektywy parapetu (A Perspective from the Window Ledge, 2011). Meanwhile, her novel Emigrantka z wyboru (Emigrant by Choice) was published in 2008 in Chorzów by Videograf II; it was short-listed for the Association of Polish Writers Abroad Award.

She was the winner of Hłasko’s Short Story Competition 2003 in Vienna, Miriam’s Laurel Poetry Competition 2003 in Lublin and Gold Hornet International Poetry Competition 2001 in Warsaw, among others. She has contributed to a number of journals, including Akant, Miesięcznik Literacki, Ślad and Dziennik Polski. Dana Parys-White has also written lyrics for Michał Bajor, Ewa Becla, and the band Federacja.

She lives and works in Surrey.


– compiled by Aleksandra Michalak


The following are links to websites with information about the author: